Tag: beyond a reasonable doubt

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: You Have Jury Duty

Have you ever seen your neighbor walk away from their mailbox with a look of discontentment or frustration? Likely causes for his less than happy demeanor: an unexpected bill or jury summons. A majority of adults would probably make the same face if they received a jury summons too.

While jury duty is not at the top of the fun to-do list for many, it is a very important civic function. Serving on a jury allows accused persons their constitutional right to a timely, impartial jury and a chance to face their accusers.

Remember, every accused person is supposed to be assumed innocent until proven guilty. That’s where the jury comes in. It’s the role of a jury to pass judgement on the accused, determining if they are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Turn up your volume and listen in to Peter King and guest attorney Jay Hoffman as they discuss juries and reasonable doubt on People’s Law Talk. Listen now and you’ll be informed the next time you’re called to fulfill your civic duty.

Want to hear more talks from Peter and Kevin King? Tune into WCIS 1010 AM Columbus, IN the first and third Friday of every month for People’s Law Talk.